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How to Lock Down Web Sales

by | Jul 31, 2018 | Floral Industry News | 0 comments


A customer has found her way to your site, she’s ready to buy and then — poof! She disappears. What happened, and why didn’t you lock down that web sale? That’s one topic among many that Max Duchaine, digital strategy manager for the Society of American Florists, is tackling this week in the latest installment of “Your Online Brand,” SAF’s targeted video series on all things tech and digital marketing. Max video

As for locking down those online customers, “Your goal is to create a user experience that captures customers at every part of the buying cycle, with a focus on leading them to the ultimate goal of a sale,” Duchaine explained.

“The easiest way to do that is to think like a customer,” he added. “Consumers anticipate a streamlined and simple buying process, free of unnecessary clicks…like Amazon. In fact, users spend between 10-20 seconds on a page before leaving, and 9 times out of 10 consumers will use the website with the better buying experience. You can see why user experience is so important to making a sale online.”

How do you create the best possible user experiene? “Make sure the first products that are seen are relevant and timely to the season,” Duchaine suggested.

Check out the full video and read the June issue of Floral Management for additional best practice tips. Have a topic you’d like covered in future videos? You know we want to hear about it! Email


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