8 Reasons to Use checXchange Mobile App - safnow.org







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8 Reasons to Use checXchange Mobile App

by | Feb 7, 2018 | Business Builder, Sales WakeUP | 0 comments

The checXchange Mobile App, available free to SAF members, makes it easier to recover funds from bad checks.

The checXchange Mobile App, available free to SAF members, makes it easier to recover funds from bad checks.

Don’t let cupid get away with insufficient funds. The Society of American Florists and Money Transfer Systems Inc. have partnered to bring SAF members the checXchange Mobile App to facilitate the recovery of bad checks.

The app is free and allows members to use their Android, iPhone or iPad to scan bounced non-sufficient funds (NSF) checks received and send them to checXchange’s processing center for recovery. The app returns 100 percent of recovered funds to the member’s bank account in seven to 14 days.

After the funds are recovered, checXchange sends you a confirmation message. All funds recovered each week are then transmitted to your account on the Friday of that week. If checXchange can’t recover the funds, you will be notified of this as well.

Read more.

So, why use the checXchangeTM Mobile App? Here are eight reasons:

  1. There is no cost.
  2. Fast and simple set up.
  3. 100 percent of recovered funds are returned to your bank account within seven to 14 days.
  4. checXchange recovers funds at an average rate of 75.6 percent.
  5. Your cash flow and profitability are enhanced.
  6. Keeps you out of the collection business.
  7. You get paid for the goods and services you provided.
  8. All returned NSF checks are handled in a 100 percent secure and encrypted environment.

To learn more and download the app, go to www.checxchangemobile.com/saf. For information about other discount programs and services available through SAF membership, visit safnow.org/member-benefits/business-discounts.

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