Teleflora Florists Prep to ‘Make Someone Smile’ -
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Teleflora Florists Prep to ‘Make Someone Smile’

by | Jul 12, 2017 | Uncategorized | 0 comments


Teleflora florists are gearing up for the company’s 17th annual Make Someone Smile Week later this month.

For the 17th year, florists across the country will share heartfelt floral surprises with local communities through Teleflora’s annual Make Someone Smile week, July 16 to July 22.

“Teleflora member florists and community volunteers around the country are busy preparing and delivering thousands of its handmade Be Happy Bouquets to VA hospitals, recipients of Meals-on-Wheels programs, residents at senior assisted living centers and nursing homes, as well as giving ‘thanks’ to first responders at their local police and fire departments,” according to a company press release promoting this year’s initiative.

For the weeklong effort, Teleflora donates more than 25,000 Be Happy Mugs to its 40 florist units across the country. Member florists then work with local wholesalers and growers in their area to secure donations of flowers.

“Teleflora’s Make Someone Smile Week is a true testament of ‘flower power,’ and how a simple act of kindness can make a big difference to someone in need of a smile,” said Rich Salvaggio, vice president of industry relations and publications at Teleflora.

Last year’s program spanned more than 140 cities and 380 facilities throughout the United States and Canada; with more than 1,000 florists donating their time to make and deliver Be Happy Bouquets. Teleflora’s program delivered more than 27,000 bouquets to those most in need of a smile.

Find out more.


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