Floral Industry Sees Push for More Research Funding in ‘First 100 Days’ - safnow.org
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Floral Industry Sees Push for More Research Funding in ‘First 100 Days’

by | May 3, 2017 | Floral Industry News, Government Relations, Industry Watchdog | 0 comments


SAF’s Congressional Action Days occurred during “the first 100 days,” while lawmakers were drafting tax reform legislation and discussing spending priorities. Shown: Delegates from the North Carolina delegation Debby Sacra and Ted Todd, The Blossom Shop Florist; Dana and Emma Cook, Julie’s Florist; Michael Trogdon, Burge Flower Shop; and Mark Yelanich, Metrolina Greenhouses

In the first 100 days of the Trump administration, floral industry members have successfully pushed members of Congress to support floriculture research funding and helped educate lawmakers on tax issues that could hurt small-business owners.

While “the first 100 days” is viewed by some as artificial and even unhelpful construct, the time period is an accepted benchmark for evaluating a new administration. Many issues the administration focused on its early days directly affect floral industry businesses, and during that time, business owners from all segments have worked to be part of the legislative process.

Indeed, during SAF’s annual Congressional Action Days in March, a record number of SAF members visited almost 170 congressional offices and urged Congress to increase funding for the Floriculture and Nursery Research Initiative (FNRI) by $250,000; exclude imported floral agricultural products from a border adjustment tax in any tax reform measure; and oppose stand-alone mandatory E-Verify worker verification legislation.

Those CAD visits occurred at a critical time. While SAF members walked the Halls of Congress, lawmakers were drafting tax reform legislation and discussing spending priorities. The visits by SAF members had a very real impact on those discussions on the Hill.

Here’s a closer look at where things are and where SAF’s Government Relations team thinks they will end up.

Floriculture and Nursery Research Initiative Funding

  • Where it Is:

SAF decided early in the Trump Administration to lobby for additional funding for the Floriculture and Nursery Research Initiative (FNRI).

blankCAD attendees asked members of Congress to support an allocation of $250,000 toward the FNRI to help restore the Initiative to its high-water mark of $5.1 million.

To date, 15 congressional offices have submitted appropriations requests to increase current funding for FNRI. This is a direct result of the lobbying conducted during Congressional Action Days.

Some of the 15 members of Congress who submitted the FNRI requests include members of the Appropriations Committee and Agriculture Committee. Those requests carry a great deal of weight and are how things are funded in the federal budget.

  • What We’re Hearing:

In the face of significant federal budget constraints, getting 15 congressional offices to submit appropriations requests is a significant achievement.

And despite contentious congressional debate in the first 100 days over spending priorities and levels, SAF members’ request for $250,000 in FNRI funding was well-received – a decisive accomplishment.

  • What We Anticipate:

Support for FNRI funding exists in the House, and the next step is the Senate. It may not be clear until late summer if funding is approved, but we are optimistic about success, due in great part to the efforts of SAF members during CAD.

blankBorder Adjustment Tax

  • Where it Is:

The House Republican tax “blueprint” includes a border adjustment tax (BAT) as one of its major provisions. It would eliminate the ability of American businesses to deduct the cost of goods sold for imported products.

In the first 100 days, there has been considerable discussion about the border adjustment tax and the implications it holds for the economy. Importantly, there is much disagreement about the proposal within the business community.

  • What We’re Hearing:

While there is some support for the BAT in the House, we have heard there is zero support for it in the Senate.

This week, President Trump unveiled an outline of his own tax plan that would include a tax cut for individuals and businesses. Notably, it does not include a border adjustment provision.

  • What We Anticipate:

There are indications that the House Ways & Means Committee may begin hearings on tax reform next week. Recently, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said that enacting tax reform legislation by August is “highly aggressive and not realistic at this point.”

Tax reform is one of the highest priorities of Republican congressional leaders and President Trump, but action must begin soon if there is any hope of enacting tax reform this year. If it is not enacted this year, the effort will become much more difficult, if not impossible, during the 2018 election year.

We anticipate the BAT will not be included.

Immigration Reform

  • Where It Is:

During CAD, SAF members also expressed their concerns about the possibility of stand-alone mandatory E-Verify legislation.

Since January 20, President Trump has reaffirmed his commitment to fulfilling a campaign promise to enforce immigration laws. Much of the Republican majority in Congress is prepared to work with President Trump and act on border security and possible interior enforcement. But recent discussions about money for a border security package have been very messy.

  • What We’re Hearing:

Not much. Immigration reform, beyond talk of the border wall and how to pay for it, has taken a back seat to tax reform and trying to pass legislation to replace the Affordable Care Act.

  • What We Anticipate:

The likelihood of seeing any kind of immigration reform legislation moving forward in 2017 is monumentally low. There may be attempts at some piecemeal legislation, but even that is remote.

A Word on the Budget

The Senate cleared Friday, by voice vote, a continuing resolution to fund the government through May 5. The House passed the CR earlier Friday. This provides more time for lawmakers to negotiate a fiscal 2017 spending package.

President Donald Trump has said he would sign a short-term CR.

Complicating the situation further is that Congress is also drafting appropriations measures to fund the government for fiscal year 2018 which begins on October 1.

SAF members interested in getting more involved in Government Relations have a host of resources available to them at safnow.org. One of the most effective things consitutents can do is to communicate directly with lawmakers’ district and national offices. Invite lawmakers to tour your business and share your experiences as a small business owner. For information on how to do that and advice, contact Shawn McBurney, smcburney@safnow.org.

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