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Nominations Welcome for 2017 SAF Awards

by | Feb 15, 2017 | Events | 0 comments

SAF 2016 Paul Ecke Jr. award recipient Leo Roozen, AAF, with his wife, Michelle.

SAF is accepting nominations for the 2017 Paul Ecke, Jr. Award, which honors individuals for exemplary devotion to profession, business and community with the. Leo Roozen, AAF, president of Washington Bulb Co., shown with his wife, Michelle, received the 2016 Paul Ecke, Jr. Award.

While the 59th Annual Grammy Awards ceremony recognized the year’s best recordings, compositions and artists on Feb. 12, the floral industry honors outstanding achievement among its professionals in September — and the deadline to submit nominations for those accolades is March 1.

The Society of American Florists recognizes excellence in the floral industry with a range of awards and professional designations. SAF will bestow the 2017 honors during the Stars of the Industry Awards Dinner at SAF Palm Beach 2017, SAF’s 133rd Annual Convention, Sept. 6-9 at The Breakers in Florida.

Get the nomination forms for these honors at

  • Floriculture Hall of Fame is the industry’s greatest honor. It recognizes individuals who exemplify our highest standards of service and responsibility.
  • Paul Ecke, Jr. Award recognizes individuals for exemplary devotion to profession, business and community.
  • Gold Medal Award honors the originator or introducer of a widely distributed plant or flower of significant horticultural and commercial value.
  • John H. Walker Award recognizes floral association executives for the role they play as leaders of the industry.
  • Alex Laurie Award for Research and Education honors an individual’s contributions to floriculture research or education.
  • Century Award recognizes companies who have served the floral industry for 100 years or longer. All floral businesses that have achieved their 100th anniversary are eligible.
  • Add professional credentials to your name. Apply for AAF status. The American Academy of Floriculture (AAF) accepts industry members who meet the Academy’s high standards of service to their industry and community.

For more information about SAF awards, contact SAF’s Jenester Corbin at 800-336-4743 ext. 234;

The Professional Floral Communicators – International (PFCI) membership application and Tommy Bright Award nomination deadlines were Jan. 27.

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