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Charging the Right Amount for Services and Labor

by | Sep 22, 2016 | Business Builder | 0 comments


myersEver have a bride waltz in and ask if you’re willing to take on more than flowers and décor? Maybe rent linens? Provide “day of” planning services? Not quite sure how to deal with “DIY-ish” brides — you know the type. They’re enamored of Pinterest (and a little strapped for cash) but could use some serious hand-holding.

As the flower business continues to change, more florists are expanding the services that they offer, writes Derrick Myers, CPA, CFP, in the September issue of Floral Management. This is a good thing for business, provided you charge fees that not only cover the expenses of providing these services but also include a healthy profit.

The problem, according to Myers, is that many florists don’t charge for extra labor and services because they don’t want to jeopardize their relationships with customers. “This is especially true when dealing with price-sensitive shoppers,” he writes, “however, most of the time customers will gladly pay for extra and extraordinary service.”

Check out his column for more tips on how to charge appropriately and profitably in the September issue.

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