In less than a year, Herb Rothe III has replaced an aging air conditioning unit, traded fluorescent lights and 150 watt incandescent bulbs in his 2,500-square-foot store and 2,000-square-foot greenhouse for cooler LED options. He plans to take even more action next year.
Herb Rothe III recently set a goal: Cut energy costs around Rothe Florists in Philadelphia. Since then, he’s seen those costs drop by 30 percent, without instituting a single change that has inconvenienced (and, in some cases, even been noticed by) customers and staff.
In a span of just a few months, Rothe has replaced an aging air conditioning unit and traded fluorescent lights and 150 watt incandescent bulbs in his 2,500-square-foot store and 2,000-square-foot greenhouse for cooler LED options. His inspiration came from his work as the school board director for the Methacton School District, which embarked on a project to replace fluorescent fixture with LED lights.
“When I saw the energy savings potential , I looked at my business to see if this was something that would work,” he said. “The cost savings in replacing only about 30 percent of my fixtures has more than paid for the bulbs and fixtures themselves. All these little savings really add up.”
Read more about the practical steps Rothe took to reduce his energy costs in the September issue of Floral Management magazine.