Review Highs and Lows of Valentine's Days Gone By -





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Review Highs and Lows of Valentine’s Days Gone By

by | Jan 7, 2016 | Business Builder | 0 comments

Learn how savvy shops manage the busiest holiday of the year.

Learn how savvy shops manage the busiest holiday of the year.

It’s a brand new year, a blank slate on which to break sales records. And the first step toward that achievement is … to look back.

Prepare for Valentine’s Day 2016 by reviewing notes from past holidays. Search for any possible areas for improvement — leftover plush and containers, unplanned purchases of premium-priced roses to fill last minute orders, deliveries that required multiple runs, and customer complaints. When you identify a problem, figure out what went wrong, make a plan to avoid repeating the flub and discuss it with your staff. Look closely at the most recent holidays, as well as 2010, the last time Valentine’s Day fell on a Sunday.

And while you’re at it, consult your seasoned employees for their recommendations for part-time hires. They likely have strong opinions on past helpers and can tell you which ones were true workhorses and which were dead weight.

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