2011 Sylvia Cup Design Competition - safnow.org





2011 Sylvia Cup Design Competition

Wisconsin Designer Wins Grand Prize in Sylvia Cup Design Competition

Sylvia Cup Winners 2011Pictured from left to right: Grand Prize Winner John Hosek, AIFD, PFCI, CAFA, CF; Overall Honorable Mention Winner Cindy Anderson, AIFD, PFCI; and Overall Honorable Mention Winner Cherrie MaiHoa.

Click here to see photos from the Sylvia Cup 2011.

A Verona, Wis., designer won the grand prize in the 44th Annual Sylvia Cup Design Competition on Sept. 15 during SAF Palm Springs 2011, SAF’s 127th Annual Convention in Palm Springs, Calif. As grand prize winner, John Hosek, AIFD, PFCI, CAFA, CF, of the Design Circle, received $2,500 from Smithers-Oasis, an engraved silver champagne trophy and complimentary registration to the next SAF convention, SAF Palm Beach 2012.

“With an exceptional artistic flair, John’s creations exemplified clean design consistently,” said Lisa Weddel, AIFD, PFCI, of L. Weddel Design, Highlands Ranch, Colo., who coordinated the Sylvia Cup Design Competition.

The Sylvia Cup Design Competition is the longest running, live, national annual floral design competition. Sponsored by the California Cut Flower Commission (CCFC), the Sylvia Cup tested the skills of 22 designers. Among them were winners of state and regional floral industry design contests, serial design competitors, designers of the year and members of the American Institute of Floral Designers (AIFD).

Hosek’s designs collectively scored the highest. The next two highest scores received honorable mention awards.

Overall Honorable Mention Winners

  • Cindy Anderson, AIFD, PFCI, a freelance designer in Colorado Springs, CO
  • Cherrie MaiHoa of Queen’s Flowers and Gifts in Huntington Beach, CA

Anderson and MaiHoa each received $250 from Smithers-Oasis and honorable mention plaques during the Awards Dinner.

The Sylvia Cup is similar to Food Network’s “Iron Chef.” Contestants had two hours, the same product assortment — featuring fresh products from the CCFC and non-perishable embellishments from Smithers-Oasis — and a surprise task to create three designs:

  • Cascade bridal bouquet
  • Memorial tribute for a cremation service
  • Hotel registration desk floral arrangement

The top three scores in each design category received First, Second and Third Place Ribbons:

Cascade Bridal Bouquet

Roslyn Dodds, AIFD, of Jasmine Creek Florist in El Cajon, CA

John Hosek, AIFD, PFCI, CAFA, CF

Cindy Anderson, AIFD, PFCI

Hotel Registration Desk Piece

John Hosek, AIFD, PFCI, CAFA, CF

Cherrie MaiHoa

Cindy Anderson, AIFD, PFCI

Memorial Tribute for a Cremation Service

Cherrie MaiHoa

John Hosek, AIFD, PFCI, CAFA, CF

Gerry Gregg, AIFD, of TFM – California Natural, in Chico, CA, who’s Sylvia Cup Entry is sponsored by California State Floral Association.

A panel of three judges appointed by PFCI evaluated the contestants’ designs. The judges scored each design based on 16 factors covering principles and elements of design, mechanics and creative application. Judges were:

  • Jenny Behlings, AAF, PFCI, SDCF, of Jenny’s Floral in Custer, SD
  • Carol Caggiano, AIFD, PFCI, of A. Caggiano, Inc. in Jeffersonton, VA
  • Robbin Yelverton, AAF, AIFD, PFCI, of Blumz By….JRDesigns in metro Detroit

Save the date! The 45th Annual Sylvia Cup Design Competition takes place during SAF Palm Beach 2012, SAF’s 128th Annual Convention, Sept. 19-22 at The Breakers in Palm Beach, Fla.

The Sylvia Cup Design Competition began in 1967 and is named for Sylvia Valencia, a prominent designer and long-time SAF supporter.

Click here to see photos from the Sylvia Cup 2011.



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