- “I tell a story that the audience can relate to and then wrap it into the subject of the program.” – Lynn Lary McLean AAF AIFD PFCI
- “Closings are important. I remind them of a few key things they have seen that day and tell them I am available after the show to answer their questions.” – Kathi Thomas AIFD PFCI
- “Keep your opening fast-paced and organized. You can lose an audience in the first few minutes if you’re not careful.”
- “Remember to thank your sponsor in the beginning and the end.” – Arliss Krieger PFCI
- “When the time comes – close quickly – don’t stretch it out. People appreciate being finished a few minutes before schedule, too!” – Jack Baker AAF AIFD PFCI
- “A good opening phrase is, “Today I would love to share with you . . .” – Lena Malouf AIFD PFCI
- “An audience will pay attention to you from the very beginning – equal to the amount of enthusiasm you show. Walk out and show them your enthusiasm! – Steve Brickner AAF AIFD PFCI
- “Tell them what they are going to see – give an overview of the program. Tease them to stay until the end.” – J Schwanke AAF AIFD PFCI
- “Invest a few minutes in allowing the audience to get to know you. They wonder about who you are. Once they are comfortable – they will be more attentive.” – Carol Caggiano AIFD PFCI
- “I like to begin by telling them what we will accomplish in the time spent. I like to close with a touching poem or quote.” – Colene White AAF, AIFD, PFCI
- “You never get a second chance to make a first impression. You must appear on stage as confident and professional. Tell them — right away — what’s in it (the program) for them.” – Frankie Shelton AAF AIFD PFCI
- “For openers, I always line up the first four to six designs – and have firmly in my mind how I am going to present them to my audience. This helps me get off on a roll and relax. It also makes the show’s start very smooth.” – Joey Schwanke AAF PFCI
- “Closings should leave them with a challenge – something to change or something to do. There are many great books out there for ideas on how to do this.” – Richard Milteer AAF AIFD PFCI
- “Everyone knows their own personal style. For me, I begin with laughter!” – Jason McCollum AIFD PFCI
- “To close a show I make the appropriate ‘thank yous’ and leave stage on a humble, audience-centered note.” – Buddy West AIFD PFCI
- “For your opening, step off the stage – shake a few hands and then have the audience turn around and do the same. Everybody chuckles and relaxes.” – Kirk Pamper AAF AIFD PFCI
- “Thank the audience for their attention at the show’s end. Their time is precious – let them know you appreciate their respect.” – Richard Seaboldt AAF AIFD PFCI
- “I use music to set the stage for openings and closings. Lively music for the start and smooth music for the big finish.” – Mary Lee Evans AAF AIFD PFCI
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