2024 SAFPAC Party - safnow.org

2024 SAFPAC Party

Make an impact on Capitol Hill by attending the annual SAFPAC Reception at SAF Miami 2024!

When: Wednesday, August 7 at 6:00 p.m. 

Details: Join us for food, drinks, and a fast-paced floral design competition filled with surprise twists and turns! Attendees have the opportunity to influence the winner as they watch the excitement unfold. Who will emerge victorious? You need to be there to find out!

Why attend? SAFPAC is the only national political action committee dedicated to advocating for the floral industry. By attending this event, you will help ensure that the floral industry’s voice is heard and politically engaged on Capitol Hill.

Tickets: SAFPAC Party tickets cost $150 and include unique craft beers, wine, and delicious hors d’oeuvres. Ticket sales and all proceeds from this event go towards SAFPAC and are used to help elect floriculture-friendly members of Congress! 


Only those who have completed a prior approval form are able to attend the SAFPAC party and receive communications about SAFPAC. See details below and click here to complete form.

For questions about SAFPAC or this event please contact Lillie Wightman at lwightman@safnow.org.


Get Involved


Interested in learning more about SAFPAC? You’ll need to fill out the SAFPAC Prior Approval Form so that we can reach out to you with information about upcoming events. 

The Federal Election Campaign Act requires trade associations to obtain permission from members to keep you informed on SAFPAC.

Only those who have completed the prior approval form are able to attend the SAFPAC party and receive communications about SAFPAC.

To complete the form, you will need to login with your safnow.org username and password

2024 SAFPAC Party Sponsors

Blossom Boss

DV Flora
Syndicate Sales

Bouquet Booster


Petal Pusher

DV Flora

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