Vicki Norris, author of Restoring Order and life management expert, tells consumers a prioritized life empowers them to live like a flower — a lovely and fragrant offering to a harried and distracted world. Click here to read how to Live Beautifully.
Tools and Advice to Promote Live Beautifully
Link to Live Like a Flower from your website
Share the Live Like a Flower program with your customers by linking to from your website. These tips from third-party experts bring valuable credibility to the flower and florist message! Share tips for Live Beautifully by linking to
Share the Live Beautifully Blog Post
Share Vicki Norris’ blog post on Live Beautifully with your social media followers.
Facebook Shareable Graphics
The following images are sized for use as Facebook timeline graphics (404 x 404 pixels). To download, click on the image you want to use and the full-size graphic will appear. Right click on the image and save it to your computer.
For more Live Like A Flower graphics, click here.
Suggested Facebook Posts
When posting the eye-catching shareable graphics to your Facebook Wall, include one of these suggested sample messages in your status update.
From the Live Like a Flower series: Live Beautifully! Get advice from life management expert Vicki Norris, author of Restoring Order.
A prioritized life empowers you to live like a flower — a lovely and fragrant offering to a harried and distracted world.
As well as beautifying and updating your living space, flowers boost emotional health. Harvard research proves people feel more compassionate toward others, have less worry and anxiety, and feel less depressed when flowers are present in the home.
Rejuvenate your senses. Surrounding yourself with the sounds, scents, and beauty of nature invites us to engage our senses, slow down, breathe and experience peace. Take a break from the busyness of life and treat yourself to a visit to our flower shop!
Bringing yesteryear into today provides comfort through nostalgia and conveys simpler times in today’s busy world. Let us fill your vintage buckets and jars with beautiful flowers.
Suggested Tweets
Here are suggested sample messages to post on Twitter to help you promote your shop.
From the Live Like a Flower series: Live Beautifully!
Live Beautifully advice from Restoring Order author @VickiNorris –
A prioritized life empowers you to live like a flower — a lovely & fragrant offering to a harried world.
As well as beautifying and updating your living space, flowers boost emotional health.
Harvard: People feel more compassionate, less depressed & less worried when flowers are in the home.
Rejuvenate your senses. Take a break from ur busy life & treat yourself to a visit to our shop!
Let us fill your vintage buckets and jars with beautiful flowers.
Color Flier
Print the Live Beautifully flier in color. Keep them by your cash register to hand to customers and include them with invoices. Provide a new flier each month to spread the floral message.
Click here for more Live Like a Flower fliers.
Create Your Own Unique Tie-in
Design an arrangement that you think illustrates “Live Beautifully.” Display it in your shop with the color fliers to capture attention. Feature it on your website with a link to
High-Res Images for Print
The images are 5.61″ squares at 300 dpi, high-resolution for print publications. To download, click on the image you want to use and the full-size graphic will appear. Right click on the image and save it to your computer.