COVID-19 Webinar Series: Accessing Federal Aid -
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COVID-19 Webinar Series: Accessing Federal Aid

by | Jun 1, 2020 | COVID-19 Series, Online Training for your staff | 0 comments


COVID-19 Webinar Series: Accessing Federal Aid

Presenter: Joe Bischoff, SAF Senior Lobbyist

On Friday, Congress passed a third sweeping relief package designed to support individuals and businesses during the COVID crisis. So far, there have been two small business loan programs created as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. The first program, introduced as a part of COVID legislation passed earlier this month, created a $1 billion fund to immediately assist small businesses hit hard by the current economic shutdown. The second program, part of the COVID stimulus package passed on Friday, created the Paycheck Protection Program and the Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) program. The Paycheck Protection Program is intended to keep workers on small business payrolls through offering forgivable loans, and the EIDL program offers small businesses a one-time $10,000 grant to cover short-term costs.

In this webinar, SAF senior lobbyist Joe Bischoff will review the available federal aid options, what they mean for your business and how to access them.

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