New Owners at Chrysal International I Society of Ameriican Florists
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New Owners at Chrysal International

by | Nov 20, 2018 | Floral Company News | 0 comments


The owners of Chrysal International, Nordian Capital Partners, announced on Monday an agreement to sell Chrysal to OAT Agrio Japan Ltd., a Japan-based maker of agrochemicals, with a focus on fertilizers, crop protection (pesticides) and biostimulants (substances or microorganisms that stimulate natural processes to benefit crop quality).

The move, according to Chrysal CEO Peter Vriends, “will accelerate our growth by adding new products to our portfolio.” OAT Agrio, in turn, will benefit from Chrysal’s extensive international distribution network.

Before the acquisition of Chrysal, OAT Agrio had 381 employees, 30 percent of whom were outside Japan. Chrysal, headquartered in Naarden, the Netherlands, employs about 230 people worldwide, with branches in 10 countries: the UK, France, Sweden, Germany, Russia, Kenya, the USA, Colombia, Ecuador, and Japan.

No changes are planned in the Chrysal management team.

The acquisition follows an international trend toward consolidation in the floriculture sector. Chrysal, a global market leader in care products for flowers and plants, is more than 85 years old; it remained a family business as recently as 2007.

In addition to the Chrysal brand of cut-flower food, introduced in 1949, the company markets a wide range of specialized products for use by growers, shippers, wholesalers and retailers.

Bruce Wright is a contributing writer for the Society of American Florists.

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