Webinar: Floral Purchase Tracking Study - safnow.org
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Webinar: Floral Purchase Tracking Study

by | Nov 1, 2017 | Business Builder | 0 comments


To purchase the Floral Purchase Tracking Study, click here and use coupon code SAF17 at checkout to save $60.

Stop searching the web looking for information on who buys more flowers and what colors are more popular. This data and more can be found in the newly released Floral Purchase Tracking Study.

Formerly called the Consumer Tracking Study and last conducted in 2005, the American Floral Endowment (AFE) and the Society of American Florists partnered to revive the year-long study that provides data on the incidents of purchases, amount spent, what was purchased, for whom and what occasions, and what other gifts were considered. Funded by the Floral Marketing Research Fund (FMRF) and conducted by IPSOS, the study provides valuable information to florists that can greatly impact how they plan their marketing strategies, inventory purchases and structure their pricing. The information shared in this study has the potential to help florists maximize their opportunities and sales.

AFE is presenting a webinar on Wednesday, Nov. 8 at 2 p.m. EST that will highlight the study’s key findings. Tim Amsbary, vice president of IPSOS and the project manager for the study, will present the webinar. There will also be time for Q & A. Webinar participation is available exclusively and complimentary to anyone purchasing the study.

To purchase the study and receive webinar registration, click here. SAF members can use coupon code SAF17 at checkout to save $60. https://floralmarketingresearchfund.org/product/2016-consumer-purchasing-study/


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