Liza Roeser-Atwood, CEO and founder of FiftyFlowers, headquartered in Boise, recently represented SAF and the floral industry at a Small Business Administration roundtable.
When the Small Business Administration convened a regional roundtable to identify regulatory burdens to small business growth, the floral industry had a voice in the conversation, thanks to the participation of Society of American Florists member Liza Roeser-Atwood.
During the event, which was attended by small-business owners and representatives of federal agencies and congressional offices, Roeser-AtwooD, CEO and founder of FiftyFlowers in Boise, dIscussed the proposed border adjustment tax (BAT) and the harm it could cause floral industry businesses. After the roundtable, she also shared information via email on immigration reform with SBA representatives.
“We had a great turnout” at the event, said Roeser-Atwood, who drew on her experience lobbying for the industry during SAF’s Congressional Action Days during the SBA discussion.
SAF invited Roeser-Atwood to participate in the roundtable on its behalf after receiving notice of the event from SBA. In the invitation, the agency noted it was looking specifically for local business owners with experience navigating cumbersome regulatory issues.
“These discussions are ideal places for our members to share their concerns and have their own voices heard by a larger and potentially powerful audience,” said SAF Chief Operating Officer Drew Gruenburg. “It’s important for our industry to have an ongoing presence in these kinds of discussions.”
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