Address the “In Lieu of Flowers” Phrase -
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Address the “In Lieu of Flowers” Phrase

by | Mar 15, 2017 | Business Builder | 0 comments


When submitting death notices, some funeral directors regard “in lieu of flowers” as a convenient, polite way to reference memorial contributions. Others might use it because they consider handling and transporting flowers a hassle. They need to hear directly from florists to appreciate the role of flowers in the bereavement process. Developing a relationship with yiour local funeral directors is the first step in reducing use of the phrase and, as a result, restoring and building your sympathy business.

The Society of American Florists has several tools — free for SAF members — that help establish those relationships: a suggested letter to send local funeral directors,  advice and talking points,  a Sympathy Business Checklist and more at Also, get best practices for building funeral business from several florists from around the country.

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