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Have You Ignored These Sales Opportunities?

by | Jan 3, 2017 | Business Builder | 0 comments


We know you have Valentine’s Day and Mother’s Day covered, but are you making the most of events and opportunities between the big holidays?

This week, Society of American Florists editors reviewed a year’s worth of Sales Wake Up stories to find “hidden” opportunities for sales year-round.

Women’s Day. Last year, York Flowers, with locations in Washington, D.C., and Annapolis, Maryland, drew attention to Women’s Day (March 8) with an e-mail honoring three inspiring women. You could take a similar approach with a blog post, or break up the content to highlight a different woman a day on Facebook and Twitter. Consider including a mix of historical figures and local luminaries (remember to tag them in your posts!). For more engagement, ask fans to nominate a woman who is important to them and turn it into a contest.

Dance Recitals. At A Floral Boutique Florist in Ormond Beach, Florida, Rick Rivers said there’s an early summer event that promises lots of potential for florists: dance recitals. “About five years ago, we went after them and have seen double digit increases every year,” he said, noting that, in his area, most of the recitals take place in the first half of June (ahem, get thee to Facebook now to promote your options). “, we did 11 in eight days, or about $3,500 in wrapped bouquets.”

Sororities. If you’re located in a university town, you might want to start thinking Greek as soon as your wedding season winds down. Greek rush season at the University of Colorado has proven to be a lucrative time for Boulder Blooms in Boulder. Over the past six years, the shop has steadily built relationships with all 10 of the school’s sororities — relationships that translate into hundreds of new customers, across demographics — every fall. “October and November can be slow for florists,” said Tim Jordan of Boulder Blooms. “The revenue and business helps bridge the gap.”


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