Cosentino's Florist wins Teleflora's Floral Retailer of the Year Award -
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Cosentino’s Florist wins Teleflora’s Floral Retailer of the Year Award

by | Oct 4, 2016 | Floral Industry News | 0 comments


2016 Recipient of Teleflora’s Tom Butler “Floral Retailer of the Year” Award (Pictured left to right. Back row: Michael Martin, Kelly McKeone, Rick Davis, Darrell Housden, David Dancer. Front row: Jessica Cosentino, Award Recipient Carmen Cosentino, Becky Butler, Guy Cosentino, Cassie Walker, and Jack Howard.)

Teleflora announces the recipient of the second annual Tom Butler “Floral Retailer of the Year” Award is Carmen Cosentino (AAF, PFCI) of Cosentino’s Florist, a third-generation floral shop based in Auburn, New York. The Honorary Award recognizes a retail florist and Teleflora member that best embodies the legacy of Teleflora’s former Chairman, Tom Butler. In addition to running a first-class retail operation, the award winner shows the highest level of commitment and service to their local community, is a dedicated ambassador to the floral industry, and provides leadership and guidance to fellow florists. The announcement was made at the American Floral Endowment (AFE) Fundraising Dinner taking place in conjunction with the Society of American Florists’ (SAF) Annual Convention at The Ritz-Carlton in Kapalua (Maui), Hawaii.

Teleflora established the Tom Butler “Floral Retailer of the Year” Award in honor of Teleflora’s past Chairman Tom Butler, who led Teleflora in its mission to serve as a trusted business partner, friend and innovator to independent retail florists across the U.S. and Canada since 1995.

“On behalf of everyone at Teleflora, we are thrilled to honor Carmen Cosentino of Cosentino’s Florist as the recipient of Teleflora’s second annual Tom Butler ‘Floral Retailer of the Year’,” said Jack Howard, Executive Vice President of National Accounts at Teleflora. “Carmen’s proven dedication, leadership and expertise within the floral industry, as well as within his local community has held the standard for over three generations, and is a testament to why he deserves our recognition.”

Cosentino’s Florist is a third-generation florist that’s been serving the Auburn, New York and surrounding communities for 82 years. Carmen Cosentino grew up in his family’s legacy and in 1962, he and his wife Anne Marie took over the business transitioning it from a greenhouse operation into a retail floral shop. His deep ties and many contributions serving his local community has earned Cosentino’s the reputation as the “Best Florist in the Region” by its local newspaper, The Citizen for the last 16 years. Providing exceptional customer service, fresh, long-lasting flowers and top-notch service has also contributed to the shop’s expanded wedding and sympathy business, and many local gala events hosted every year. Earning many industry accolades through the years, Carmen Cosentino was named to the Society of American Florist (SAF) Hall of Fame in 1998; recipient of the Professional Floral Communicators International “Tommy Bright Award” in 2008; and touted as the “Best Friend of the American Rose Grower,” just to name a few. Some of his most notable floral work has been showcased in decorating the White House for two Christmases, as well as decorating the inaugurals of Presidents Reagan, George H. W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and George W. Bush.

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