Start-Up Site Matches Voters with Presidential Pick -





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Start-Up Site Matches Voters with Presidential Pick

by | Jul 21, 2016 | Floral Industry News | 0 comments

Which presidential candidate best matches your priorities? Find out by answering a few questions on a new website.

Which presidential candidate best matches your priorities? Find out by answering a few questions on a new website.

With Republicans gathering in Cleveland this week and Democrats set to take the stage soon in Philadelphia, the American public is still sharply divided between the two major parties’ candidates.

“Despite what often appear to be stark differences between candidates, determining which political contender most closely aligns with one’s own positions can be a challenge,” said Shawn McBurney, the Society of American Florists’ senior director of government relations. “Today’s social media saturation, the tendency to cover scandal over substance, and the influence of ‘spinmeisters’ who make candidates appeal to everyone while offending no one (all while seemingly saying nothing) often conspire to obscure what a candidate really stands for.”

In an effort to help the American voters match their views with those who are running for president, two internet entrepreneurs have developed

The site presents a quiz with several yes-or-no questions to answer in various issue areas. If respondents prefer, they may select to answer questions with a more nuanced response and can also rate how important an issue is to them.

Once answers are submitted, algorithmic magic then provides your percentage of agreement with presidential candidates.

In addition to the quiz, the site provides charts, maps and graphs showing how respondents answered the questions in the quiz on issues ranging from gun control to climate change and same-sex marriage to health care reform and the Affordable Care Act.

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