Radio Script: Show Your True Colors -

Radio Script: Show Your True Colors

Radio Script: Show Your True Colors Edit ( Registered ) PDF Print E-mail

Instructions for use:  This 60-second radio script offers the opportunity to promote your shop in the community. You customize the commercial by replacing any bold items with your shop information.  The spot can be recorded with local talent at either a production studio or radio station.  The announcer’s tag at the end of the commercial allows you to give details about any specials you are having or to reiterate store information.

60-Second Radio Script
Show Your True Colors

Show your true colors with flowers from ABC Flowers. Celebrate a RED letter day. Surprise someone special from out of the BLUE. Show a friend you think they’re worth their weight in GOLD. Flowers can help you express a whole spectrum of emotions – and they’re sure to brighten anyone’s day. Give flowers when you want to wave the WHITE flag and say you’re sorry. Help someone under the weather get back in the PINK of things. Deliver some excitement to a shrinking VIOLET. Or send that special someone over the RAINBOW.

Right now, at ABC Flowers, selected flowers are specially priced. And that means you’ll save some GREEN. Just call ABC Flowers today at 123-1234 or visit our Web site at to find out this week’s featured flower. And order some today. Let someone special know how you truly feel. ABC Flowers. Experts in the Art of Expression®. A member of the Society of American Florists.

Keywords: radio commercials scripts, marketing, talking points

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