Presentation Tips: Increasing Your Vocabulary -





Presentation Tips: Increasing Your Vocabulary

  • “Surround yourself daily with people who have exceptional vocabularies. It rubs off!” – Mary Lee Evans AAF AIFD PFCIPFCI_logo_V_2011_small3
  • “Don’t just pick up a bunch of new words. Study them. Put them on paper at least six times and practice using them in regular conversation first. Then, if all goes well, add them to your stage vocabulary.” – Richard Seaboldt AAF AIFD PFCI
  • “Look up the meaning and pronunciations of words you’ve never seen before. Write them down to help you remember.” – Kirk Pamper AIFD PFCI
  • “Learn a new word in each of these categories everyday. . . 1. Adjective, 2. Verb and 3. A new flower variety.” – Jason McCollum AIFD PFCI
  • “Art books are a good source for new words. Read the PFCI Newsletter for a few choice words to add.” – Joey Schwanke AAF PFCI
  • “Learn a new word and descriptive phrase every week. Become the ‘supermarket’ of descriptive adjectives and phrases.” – Frankie Shelton AAF AIFD PFCI
  • “Crossword puzzles are a great way to expose yourself to new words and their meanings.” – Colene White AAF AIFD PFCI
  • “Read industry publications – scanning them for new terms. I write them down along with their meanings and try to incorporate them at my next show.” – Rich Salvaggio AAF AIFD PFCI
  • “Read and listen – new information is all around you!” – Carol Caggiano AIFD PFCI
  • “Remember to read outside our industry, too. There are many great descriptives in shelter magazines, too. A thesaurus is extremely helpful, too, for finding alternatives to your favorite, often repeated words.” – J Schwanke AAF AIFD PFCI
  • “Recalling all those new words you learned is easier if you are well rested. If you’re tired it is harder to recall those words you committed to memory.” – Alan Parkhurst AIFD PFCI
  • “My trick is reading the publication Reader’s Digest. It contains the best words and phrasing around – it is brief and to the point.” – Arliss Krieger PFCI
  • “Increasing your vocabulary is more than memorizing words. You also need to expand your experiences. Generally the more experiences you have the greater your vocabulary is.” – Lena Malouf AIFD PFCI

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