Professional Floral Communicators - International Board Trustees


Past Chairperson
Michelle Headrick, AIFD, CFD, FDI, PFCI (2025)
Image Floral and Event Design
Vancouver, WA

Adam Havrilla, AAF, AIFD, CFD, ICPF, PFCI (2026)
Artistic Blooms, LLC

Chicago, IL

Christopher Norwood, AAF, AIFD, CFD, PFCI (2025)
Tipton & Hurst, Inc.
Little Rock, AR

Rocio Silva, AIFD, CFD, PFCI (2026)
Instituto Mexicano Técnico Floral
Monterey, Mexico

Lynne Tischler, AAF, CPFD, PFCI, of Your Enchanted Florist in St. Paul, Minnesota

Lynne Tischler, AAF, AIFD, EMC, PFCI (2025)

Your Enchanted Florist

Saint Paul, MN


Laura Walsh, AAF, CFD, PFCI (2027)

Smithers-Oasis North American Floral

Kent, OH


Staff liaison
Lizzy Kubica
Events Specialist
Society of American Florists
Alexandria, Virginia
Tel: 703-838-5230

If you would like to receive contact information for a particular PFCI Trustee, please reach out to SAF staff on LiveChat.

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