SAF Future Taskforce
The Future Taskforce guides SAF in equipping the industry with the knowledge, insight and advocacy to navigate a successful future.

For more information about SAF’s Future Taskforce, or
if you are interested in joining, please contact:
Staff Liaison: Amanda Jedlinsky
Senior Content Strategist
Society of American Florists
Future Taskforce Members
Board Champion:
Michelle Castellano Keeler, AAF
Mellano & Company
San Luis Rey, CA
Susannah Ball
Ball Horticultural
West Chicago, IL
Sam Bowles, AAF
Allen’s Flowers & Plants
San Diego, CA
Pamela Duperly
The Elite Flower
Bogota, Colombia
Christine Guenther, AAF
Glen Burnie, MD
Carmen Higuera
Miami, FL
Sofia Herrera
Miraflor LLC
Madrid, Colombia
Kevin McCarthy
Family Flowers
Alpharetta, GA
Jeni Moyer
Syndicate Sales
Kokomo, IN
Ana Maria Ramirez
Valley Springs
Doral, FL
David Torres
Denver Wholesale Florists
Denver, CO
Daniel Velez
Suasuque S.A.
Bogota, Colombia