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Why Saying ‘No’ Can Grow Your Business

by | May 30, 2019 | Sales WakeUP | 0 comments


If you want to grow your business in the next year, you may need to learn to say “no” a whole lot more often.

That’s advice from Derrick Myers, CPA, CFP, PFCI of Crockett, Myers & Associates, who recently told a packed crowed at the Society of American Florists’ 1-Day Profit Blast in Boston that carving out dedicated time to “work on your business is just as important – and maybe even more important — than working in your business.”

Some of these favorite time-management tools:

Step away from your inbox. Email is a major time suck for many business owners, Myers said. “The problem with email is that it interrupts you constantly and it’s always about someone else’s agenda, not yours,” he said. “If you’re responding to emails all day, then you’re moving through someone else’s to-do list, but you may not get to yours.” A better solution: Charge a member of your staff with responding to all emails and forwarding you only the high priority notes. Set aside a specific time each day to respond to those emails that need your attention.

Block off time to think big. “You need to spend regular time thinking about where your business is going and where you want it to go,” Myers said. That requires focus. “Multi-tasking is a myth,” he added. “If you’re doing two or three things at once, you’re noting doing anything that well.” Instead, he advocates that owners close their office door for a few hours a day (or, if that’s simply not feasible, a week). Tell your staff that when the door is closed, you aren’t to be disturbed and then keep your word. Use the time to work on big picture ideas and long-term projects.

Set goals. The most revolutionary thing you can do for yourself and your business? Start writing down your goals, Myers said. “Do it every day for 30 days and I guarantee you you’ll see a difference,” he promised. “Just the act of writing your goals down brings you so much closer to achieving them.”

SAF’s next 1-Day Profit Blast is scheduled for July 21 in Kansas City, Missouri. Find out more and register today. 

Mary Westbrook is the editor in chief of Floral Management.


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