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Congress Funds Another Floriculture Priority

by | Feb 15, 2019 | Government Relations, Week In Review | 0 comments


The recent federal spending bill that Congress approved to fund the government included $500,000 for the publication of the Floriculture Crops Summary report, a priority issue for the floriculture industry.

The latest success in Congress supporting a floriculture priority is proof that citizen lobbying by SAF members during Congressional Action Days (CAD) makes a real difference for their industry.

SAF members who attended CAD last year asked their members of Congress to fund publication of the Floriculture Crops Report. Congress heard their message loud and clear and granted that request.  Subsequent discussions SAF has had with congressional offices and committees as well as the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) cemented the message delivered by SAF members.

The Floriculture Crops Report is produced by the USDA and is the only source of annual data on bedding and garden plants, potted herbaceous perennials, potted flowering plants for indoor and patio use, foliage plants for indoor or patio use, cut flowers, cut cultivated greens, and propagative floriculture materials.

Another major success enjoyed by SAF members was Congress providing $1 million for the Floriculture and Nursery Research Initiative (FNRI) after that was also taken to the Hill during CAD attendees.

SAF members should make plans to attend CAD on March 11-12 and build on their success.

SAF is extremely pleased that the American Society for Horticultural Science, AmericanHort, the California Association of Flower Growers & Shippers, the California Cut Flower Commission, the Florida Nursery, Growers and Landscape Association, and the Produce Marketing Association, support the effort to continue the publication of the Floriculture Crops Summary.

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