More than 90 Society of American Florists members representing all industry segments, three countries, 25 states and the District of Colombia, traveled to Washington, D.C., this week to meet with lawmakers and key congressional staff.
Because members of SAF met and educated their members of Congress during SAF’s Congressional Action Days, Congress has included significant support for the Floriculture and Nursery Research Initiative (FNRI).
Make no mistake – it was the effort and determination of SAF members that made this happen.
As noted in the March 31, 2017 Week In Review, funding for FNRI was increased after SAF members asked Congress to do so during 2017’s CAD. Those efforts were so successful that the House doubled their request.
Even though the House and Senate included support for FNRI in their 2018 spending bills, six months after fiscal year 2018 began, a final bill had not been approved (remember, this is Washington we’re talking about).
During CAD in 2018, SAF members reiterated their request to their members of Congress for FNRI support. One week after those meetings, Congress highlighted floriculture as well as greenhouse research for funding increases in the final 2018 spending bill.
This is a clear example of personal involvement making a difference and just how effective and powerful SAF members are in doing just that.
SAF members have proven to be a force to be reckoned with.