Before the Event
Register your business so that SAF can provide support to your team and keep an accurate count of the Petal It Forward participants nationwide.
Coordinate with your team and industry partners: Reach out to your wholesaler and local businesses in your community to see how you can work together to maximize the impact of your event.
Craft a plan for event day: Decide where and what time you will pass out your flowers, choose a high traffic location, figure out if permits might be needed, discuss you team’s workload and availability, product availability and any other factors.
Create your marketing plan: Check out SAF’s Petal it Forward resources to download pre-made templates. reach out to media outlets to tell them about your upcoming Petal It Forward event.
During the Event
Make sure your flower team is decked out in gear that advertises your shop and/or Petal it Forward.
Everyone on your flower street team should pass out two flowers or bouquets to those who pass by. Tell them to keep one for themselves and share the other with someone else.
Here are a few messages your team can use while handing out flowers:
Change someone’s mood today by Petaling It Forward!
Research proves flowers bring happiness to the giver and the recipient. Petal It Forward and find out for yourself!
We hope this flower brightens your day. Now brighten someone else’s by Petaling It Forward!
Studies show that you can change someone’s mood with flowers. Go ahead, Petal It Forward and brighten someone’s day!
Take pictures and videos of your arrangements and event day happenings to post on your social media channels. Use #PetalItForward and tag @SocietyofAmericanFlorists on Instagram and Facebook so SAF can help maximize reach.
Encourage flower recipients to take photos and share on their social media channels using #PetalItForward.
Remind your community that they can spread happiness all year by visiting your shop.

After the Event
Keep the coverage going! Reach out to your local news stations, send photos and talk about the impact of the event you hosted.
Show SAF your event! Send photos and details of your event to Amanda Jedlinsky. We’ll share highlights in our newsletter and on social media.
Day 2 – Thursday Nov, 24
9:00am – 9:30am
Main Hall
Opening Statements
By Amir Ali ,Event Coordinator
Mauris id finibus tortor sed urna velit sagittis ut tristique a finibus id mauris
Mauris id finibus tortor. Sed urna velit, sagittis ut tristique a, finibus id mauris. Morbi euismod purus eget orci lobortis, consequat tempus nisi iaculis. Sed porta odio vitae nunc molestie euismod. Ut dui erat, faucibus non ipsum quis, aliquet odio. Mauris id finibus tortor. Sed urna velit, sagittis ut tristique a, finibus id mauris. Morbi euismod purus eget orci lobortis, consequat tempus nisi iaculis. Sed porta odio vitae nunc molestie euismod.
11:00am – 12:00pm
Room 3
Designing For Mobile Devices
By John Doe, Mobile Designer
Mauris id finibus tortor sed urna velit sagittis ut tristique a finibus id mauris
1:30PM – 2:3pm
Room 2
Giving Your Brand a Voice
By Jason Roberts, Content Strategist
Mauris id finibus tortor sed urna velit sagittis ut tristique a finibus id mauris
Day 3 – Friday Nov, 25
9:00am – 9:30am
Main Hall
Opening Statements
By Amir Ali ,Event Coordinator
Mauris id finibus tortor sed urna velit sagittis ut tristique a finibus id mauris
Mauris id finibus tortor. Sed urna velit, sagittis ut tristique a, finibus id mauris. Morbi euismod purus eget orci lobortis, consequat tempus nisi iaculis. Sed porta odio vitae nunc molestie euismod. Ut dui erat, faucibus non ipsum quis, aliquet odio. Mauris id finibus tortor. Sed urna velit, sagittis ut tristique a, finibus id mauris. Morbi euismod purus eget orci lobortis, consequat tempus nisi iaculis. Sed porta odio vitae nunc molestie euismod.
11:00am – 12:00pm
Room 3
Designing For Mobile Devices
By John Doe, Mobile Designer
Mauris id finibus tortor sed urna velit sagittis ut tristique a finibus id mauris
1:30PM – 2:3pm
Room 2
Giving Your Brand a Voice
By Jason Roberts, Content Strategist