Grassroots Guide -

Make Your Voice Heard!
Become a Floral Industry Grassroots Advocate

SAF’s grassroots program is designed to put you in position to build a relationship with your lawmakers. Congressmen need to hear from their constituents, and by connecting a face to a name you can start developing your relationship today. SAF is making it easy for you to reach out to your Congressmen and Senators with our Guide to Grassroots Survival.

This page is designed to help you develop an influential relationship with your lawmakers. To make a difference and be heard by your lawmakers, you don’t have to be one of the major power brokers here in Washington, DC, but you must be active! Grabbing the attention of Congress, constituents have the most strength. Your voice as much as your vote helps shape the policies that are passed on Capitol Hill and how they affect the floriculture industry. Use these tabs below to begin making an impression on your lawmakers.

Got Questions, Contact SAF!

What is a Grassroots Campaign?

Grassroots activism is a coordinated effort from a group of people who believe in a certain cause; in our case the promotion of the floral industry. SAF connects you to people in the floral industry who are concerned about these issues. To have a successful grassroots campaign, efforts must be timely and coherent. The floral industry needs to speak with a unified voice in order to influence the power players at the highest level.

Where do I Start?

What is the Best Way to Contact My Lawmaker?

  • EMAIL, EMAIL, EMAIL!! No more snail mail! Mailed letters take too long to get to their office.
  • Call your legislator in Washington DC or in their district office.

What More Can I Do?

  • Attend a Town Hall meeting in your district
  • Participate in SAFPAC and support the industry’s only political action committee
  • Host a Tour of your business for your lawmaker.

Keywords: grassroots, government, floral legislation

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