Petal It Forward Marketing -







Media Outreach and Securing Coverage

    Create a Media List

    • Gather contact info for local newspapers, TV, radio, and websites.
    • Keep a well-organized spreadsheet for easy outreach.

    Know Your Audience: Understand what stories your local media covers. Explain how and where your event might fit and add value to their reporting — how will this piece be of interest and need to their audience?

    Customize a Press Release and Media Advisory

    • A press release is an excellent way to get media attention before, during and after your event. The press release will have facts and important information to help reporters tell your story. Send a press release before and after your event.
    • A media advisory is the “who, what, where, when” for your event, which should be sent to journalists a week before the event. This will provide them with ample time to schedule coverage and have the information they need.

    Get Creative: Not getting a response?

    Try sending reporters unexpected items to pique interest.

    Deliver a bouquet with a note reading, “Every day we make people smile. On <XX date>, we’re going to make our community of smile. Find out how by contacting <insert contact information>.”

    Contacting Reporters

    • Once you have submitted your press release or media advisory by email or special delivery, follow-up with a phone call on the same day.
    • When you talk to a reporter, first confirm he/she received your release and that you’ve contacted the correct person. This is your chance to briefly pitch your event as a newsworthy story. Keep pitches concise and relevant to their audience.

      Media outreach Timeline

      • One week before event: Email the media advisory and make follow-up calls to confirm it’s been received. Pitch the story to your local news outlets that would run in advance of the event such as a profile on your business or a preview of the event.
      • Two to three business days before event: Resend the advisory to unresponsive media to make sure that you’re still on their radar. Make another round of follow-up calls and ask if they plan to cover the event so you will know to look for them.
      • Event Day: Make note of the name, outlet, e-mail, and phone number to keep track of reporters who come. Be sure to have several copies of the press release on hand to pass out to media on site.
      • After the event: Follow-up with media that attended your event to thank them for their time. For media that didn’t attend the event, consider sending pictures and a post-event press release detailing how many flowers were distributed, people’s reactions or a special newsworthy moment.

      See research to share and ideas for media talking points here


      Social Media Marketing

      Downloadable Social Media Graphics – coming soon!

      Right click and save these graphics that can be posted before your event to announce your location, plan and get your followers excited for the day!


      • Use a combination of timeline posts, stories, and live videos to capture attention and get people excited about your event. Focus on engaging content that gets people’s attention, keeps it, and encourages likes, comments and tags.
      • Think of timeline posts as your anchor content; these are the images that you want to be remembered for, because they don’t expire and can be accessed through your profile at any time.
      • Use Stories for the quick, fun pictures or video throughout the day to take the viewers along with you during the event.
      • We recommend posting content directly to Instagram and cross-posting to Facebook from within the Instagram platform.


      • The algorithm dictates what content is seen based on its engagement value, not so much how often you post (and posting too much on Facebook can actually work against you).
      • Make some noise before your event by posting images of the team getting ready, providing some “teasers” about what is about to happen (but don’t give everything away!).
      • Post a few times during the event to give people an idea of what’s going on and encourage them to participate.

      After the event create a wrap post about how much fun you had, how many flowers you gave away, the emotional impact you had on members of the community, etc. Make sure you include reaction photos, action shots, a group photo. Use the #petalitforward hashtag.

      Messaging for Instagram and Facebook

      Spread the news of your event with these messages:

      • Join in on the fun today as we #PetalItForward! We’ll be spreading happiness today by giving away two bouquets of flowers – one for the recipient and another to gift to someone else. Follow along at #PetalItForward all day!
      • Follow along as we #PetalItForward! We’re gifting two flower bouquets – one to keep and another to spread even more happiness. How are you going to #PetalItForward today?
      • Nothing brightens someone’s mood quite like receiving flowers. Follow along as we #PetalItForward today, surprising strangers with two flower bouquets – one to keep, and another to spread even more happiness.
      • Flowers are scientifically proven to make us happy! We’re proving it today as we #PetalItForward! Look for us at (add location) – that’s where we will be gifting two bouquets – one for you and another to gift to someone else.
      • Did you know that new research shows that living with flowers reduces stress? We’re spreading moments of calm all over ((city)) today! #petalitforward (
      • “Just Because” – what a great reason to give flowers! We’re proving it today as we #PetalItForward! Look for us at (add location) – that’s where we will be, giving two bouquets to you – one to keep and one to share.

      Day 2 – Thursday Nov, 24


      9:00am – 9:30am

      Main Hall



      Opening Statements

      By Amir Ali ,Event Coordinator

      Mauris id finibus tortor sed urna velit sagittis ut tristique a finibus id mauris

      Mauris id finibus tortor. Sed urna velit, sagittis ut tristique a, finibus id mauris. Morbi euismod purus eget orci lobortis, consequat tempus nisi iaculis. Sed porta odio vitae nunc molestie euismod. Ut dui erat, faucibus non ipsum quis, aliquet odio. Mauris id finibus tortor. Sed urna velit, sagittis ut tristique a, finibus id mauris. Morbi euismod purus eget orci lobortis, consequat tempus nisi iaculis. Sed porta odio vitae nunc molestie euismod.

      Irving Casiano Flores blank


      11:00am – 12:00pm

      Room 3


      Designing For Mobile Devices

      By John Doe, Mobile Designer

      Mauris id finibus tortor sed urna velit sagittis ut tristique a finibus id mauris
      Mauris id finibus tortor. Sed urna velit, sagittis ut tristique a, finibus id mauris. Morbi euismod purus eget orci lobortis, consequat tempus nisi iaculis. Sed porta odio vitae nunc molestie euismod. Ut dui erat, faucibus non ipsum quis, aliquet odio.

      Irving Casiano Flores 


      1:30PM – 2:3pm

      Room 2

      Giving Your Brand a Voice

      By Jason Roberts, Content Strategist

      Mauris id finibus tortor sed urna velit sagittis ut tristique a finibus id mauris
      Mauris id finibus tortor. Sed urna velit, sagittis ut tristique a, finibus id mauris. Morbi euismod purus eget orci lobortis, consequat tempus nisi iaculis. Sed porta odio vitae nunc molestie euismod. Ut dui erat, faucibus non ipsum quis, aliquet odio.

      Day 3 – Friday Nov, 25


      9:00am – 9:30am

      Main Hall





      Opening Statements

      By Amir Ali ,Event Coordinator

      Mauris id finibus tortor sed urna velit sagittis ut tristique a finibus id mauris

      Mauris id finibus tortor. Sed urna velit, sagittis ut tristique a, finibus id mauris. Morbi euismod purus eget orci lobortis, consequat tempus nisi iaculis. Sed porta odio vitae nunc molestie euismod. Ut dui erat, faucibus non ipsum quis, aliquet odio. Mauris id finibus tortor. Sed urna velit, sagittis ut tristique a, finibus id mauris. Morbi euismod purus eget orci lobortis, consequat tempus nisi iaculis. Sed porta odio vitae nunc molestie euismod.

      Irving Casiano Flores blank blank Talicia Mccall


      11:00am – 12:00pm

      Room 3

      Designing For Mobile Devices

      By John Doe, Mobile Designer

      Mauris id finibus tortor sed urna velit sagittis ut tristique a finibus id mauris
      Mauris id finibus tortor. Sed urna velit, sagittis ut tristique a, finibus id mauris. Morbi euismod purus eget orci lobortis, consequat tempus nisi iaculis. Sed porta odio vitae nunc molestie euismod. Ut dui erat, faucibus non ipsum quis, aliquet odio.

      1:30PM – 2:3pm

      Room 2

      Giving Your Brand a Voice

      By Jason Roberts, Content Strategist

      Mauris id finibus tortor sed urna velit sagittis ut tristique a finibus id mauris
      Mauris id finibus tortor. Sed urna velit, sagittis ut tristique a, finibus id mauris. Morbi euismod purus eget orci lobortis, consequat tempus nisi iaculis. Sed porta odio vitae nunc molestie euismod. Ut dui erat, faucibus non ipsum quis, aliquet odio.

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