49 States Prepare to ‘Petal It Forward’ on Oct. 24 |safnow.tempurl.host
Home » 49 States Prepare to ‘Petal It Forward’ on Oct. 24

49 States Prepare to ‘Petal It Forward’ on Oct. 24

by | Oct 10, 2018 | Floral Industry News | 0 comments


As of Columbus Day, floral industry members had notified the Society of American Florists of their plans to randomly surprise people on Oct. 24 with flowers through 321 local Petal It Forward events in 298 cities in 49 states plus Colombia. That leaves one U.S. state to go —Nevada — for industry participation in all 50 states.

Participation in as many cities and states as possible is vital to the success of Petal It Forward from a public relations standpoint, said SAF Vice President of Marketing Jennifer Sparks. “The more florists participating on October 24, the better chance of news coverage and social media posts promoting flower power,” she explained. “We need to know where local events are happening, so we can tell the media, and so you can tell your local media that you are part of an effort happening nationwide.”

SAF is compiling a list of participating florists holding events on October 24 to share with the media. Members are encouraged to fill out the participation form at safnow.org/pifform as soon as possible, as media outreach efforts will begin soon, including sharing the list of nationwide participants, Sparks said.

Don’t have the time or resources to plan a large effort? That’s okay, Sparks said. “Even handing out 20 to 50 bouquets or single stems can make an impact, and it’s a nice way to get your feet wet in participating in this event,” she added.

SAF provides resources to help members Petal It Forward, at safnow.org/petalitforward.

This year marks the fourth year for Petal It Forward, the feel-good promotional effort that shows consumers and reporters how great it feels to both give and receive flowers. During this “random acts of kindness” flower giveaway, consumers receive two flower bouquets (or flowers) — one to keep and one to share — to demonstrate the Rutgers University research that shows flowers make people happy and are encouraged to post on social media about their experience using the hashtag #petalitforward.

Tell us about your Petal It Forward experience! Please send us your best 3-5 photos (candid, rather than posed, is best) from the day and any stories or special notes about your experience to PIF@safnow.org.

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