Why SAF?
Influence SAF connects the most progressive floral business owners.
Reach SAF’s membership includes 7,000 floral industry professionals and top decision makers.
Partner Value SAF creates industry connections that deliver on your investment and drive revenue year-round.
Partner with the Society of American Florists for Multi-Channel Marketing Solutions
The Society of American Florists(SAF)is the leading non-profit trade association representing the floral industry. If you’re a supplier looking to expand your business in the floral industry,SAF is the perfect partner. SAF is committed to connecting and supporting its community, which includes growers, wholesalers, retailers, importers, and suppliers of floral products and services. By partnering with SAF, you’ll gain access to valuable education, advocacy, and networking opportunities that will help your business thrive.
Floral Management Magazine
Each issue of Floral Management magazine — on average — reaches 11,000 people in the U.S. and 11 countries.
Promotional E-Blasts
Cut through in-box clutter and stand out to your prospects with SAF sponsored content e-blasts.
SAF NOW eNewsletter
SAF’s opt-in email list includes approximately 5,800 floral professionals. The SAF NOW e-newsletter features today’s most relevant floral industry stories, reported by SAF’s team of experienced writers and editors, sent to floral industry professionals every Wednesday.
Give your advertising a boost by reaching floral industry professionals. Safnow.org averages 30,000+ monthly pageviews. Make a lasting first impression by advertising at the very top of the SAF homepage.
In-person Events
SAF in person events provide each attendee with practical tips, new ideas, inspiration and a working to do list of tactics to put into practice right away.
Supplier Showcase
Connect with buyers from your own tabletop exhibit during SAF’s in-person events. These can’t-miss opportunities connect you to attendees to learn about the best and brightest products and services in the floral industry!
Why Sponsor?
SAF members — the industry’s top retailers, floral designers, growers, wholesalers, importers, manufacturers, suppliers, educators, students and allied organizations — from around the world partner to connect, learn and grow; offering world-class business education, powerful networking, and creative inspiration.
Already a Sponsor?
SAF has created a digital asset library to house all of your branded materials in one central location. This library will provide easy access to everything we need to promote your organization.
Add your collateral, videos, logos and more with our user-friendly upload tool.
“Connecting with people from all aspects of the industry is invaluable!
Having the opportunity to network and learn from successful shops, wholesalers, and growers keeps us fresh and helps us grow.”
— SAF Convention Attendee

Terms & Conditions
All advertisements are subject to the approval of the Publisher.
Advertiser indemnifies the Society of American Florists (SAF) against losses or liabilities arising from advertising and/or partnership agreements. SAF staff & board members reserve the right to reject, omit, or cancel advertising or partnership it does not feel is in the best interest of our community members.
SAF assumes no liability whatsoever, except to the extent of a one-time paid advertisement of the same specification, in the next or similar publication, if any proven or admitted errors or omissions have occurred. Full payment is due net 15 days upon receipt of the invoice. Interest shall be charged at 2% per month compounded to yield 26.82% per year on overdue accounts. A charge of $30.00 will be levied against all returned checks. In the event of a contract cancellation, the advertiser/or agency agrees to repay SAF any discounts granted on multiple insertions less any discount applicable for the number of insertions completed in the contract. All cancellations must be received in writing prior to the advertising sales deadline. All premium positions are noncancelable. Prices are net of agency commission. Ads may also appear in an online version of the publication(s). SAF is not responsible for errors if a hard copy proof is not submitted with the electronic file.