Exclusively for SAF Members!
Free Web Banner Ad Graphics
Remind customers about holidays and suggest opportunities for floral purchases with SAF Web Banner ads. Use them on your website, blog, Facebook page, etc., and change them often to boost your visibility with search engines.
Scroll down to see the entire library. Each ad is available in a variety of shapes and sizes. Click the image to see them all.
Have an idea for a great banner ad slogan? Contact Jenny Scala, jscala@safnow.org. 800-336-4743.
January – March | Valentine’s Day | Employee Appreciation Day | Women’s Day | St. Patrick’s Day | National Doctor’s Day | Easter/Passover
April – September | Administrative Professionals Week | Nurses Week | Mother’s Day | Memorial Day | Father’s Day | 4th of July | Grandparent’s Day
October – December | Boss’s Day | Sweetest Day | Mother-in-Law Day | Halloween | Rosh Hashanah | Veterans Day | Thanksgiving | Christmas/Chanukah | Holiday Customer Appreciation
SEASONS | Spring | Summer | Fall | Winter
GENERAL | Anytime | Events | Special Messages
SCHOOL YEAR | Prom | Graduation | Team Spirit | Homecoming | Teacher Appreciation | Back to School